Feeling rather pleased with myself, I go to unplug the stove with one hand as I hold my plate in the other. Obviously, I dropped it. And made an ungodly noise in the process which drew attention from Agnes who came running to the kitchen.
If you have not read a description of my kitchen, please refer back to Sometimes you have to eat the pancake before continuing.
Agnes quickly scrapes my chapati roll from the kitchen floor and plops it back on my plate."Sorry Erika. It's fine!" A five minute discussion ensued about whether the chapati roll was still edible. I maintained that while the chapati roll was technically still capable of being consumed and subduing hunger, it's integrity had been compromised and there was no way it was going into my person. Feeling like the biggest jerk on the planet for being willing to throw away a chapati, two eggs, half a green pepper and some onion, I cave. Yeap, I ate the dirty chapati. Agnes was thrilled, I was terrified. Typical afternoon.

Everyone has limits. Physical, mental, emotional. I believe this particular encounter hits them all.
Sorry Agnes but I fully intend to use these little guys to abduct the kittens that are living by the wall.
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