It has been a while since I've written for a variety of reasons. Illness, stress, and general work load were major factors. I also found it more important to spend time in Kigali and with the people I care about rather than writing about it/them. And now that I'm safely home I've been recovering, starting classes again, and spending much needed time with the awesome people in my life. I'm feeling a lot better so I thought I would give an update.
Classes on Tuesday went about how I anticipated in many ways. People who I have never spoken to before were asking me "how was Rwanda?" to which I cannot provide a satisfactory answer. My professors have gone far beyond my expectations in helping me reintegrate into the classroom. The part I was looking forward to least about coming home has been relatively smooth sailing. I have a lot of work to do but everything will get done.
I would like to pause here to note that Quasar is curled up on my bed... Snoring. Loudly. Like I'm sitting at my desk across the room and I can hear his little cat snores. It's adorable.
A few things about being home have been difficult. That is, of course, beyond simply missing Rwanda, the weather, some of the people, and the work that I was doing. I feel a bit empty without it all but things are getting back to normal. The question mentioned above "How was Rwanda?" is the most infuriating question a person can ask but I'm getting it constantly. I feel pressure to give a concise and happy sentence about rainbows and smiles when my experience was far more complex. I've been searching for an answer that is true and accurate and somehow captures the past three and a half months. What I've come to is that Rwanda was worth it. The good, the bad and the in between. The frustrating and joyful and the mind blowing. Every minute that I was in Rwanda was worth every second.
Now all I have to do is get used to having four jillion choices of butter to choose from at the store and I'll be set. So much stimulation. Too many choices.
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